Saturday, February 12, 2011

Internet Marketers Suffer from Googerosis Infinitum

Internet marketing is a hard game to play. It requires consistency to the point of neurosis and over a period of time, this leads to a neurotic condition called Googerosis Infinitum. 

The cause of this condition is well known but the antidote has not yet been developed. Some propose that it will happen with a Bing and yahoo but the signs to date are not encouraging. Once Googerosis sets into an Internet Marketers psyche, it is extremely difficult to dislodge. 
One of the first noticeable characteristics of the ailment is when they are found sitting in the same position at midnight as they adopted early in the morning. The body language hasn’t changed but there may be more or louder “Ah-Ha’s” emanating from their mouth. 
However, it is usually not advisable for anyone who is not IT literate to ask them what they said. If any non-IT literate person makes this mistake they are most likely to flee from the room with glazed-over eyes. The consolation for these unfortunate individuals is that Googerosis is not catching to anyone who is not susceptible to curiosity and a desire to know more. 
The closest cure to date for those afflicted with this debilitating disease is called success.
Unfortunately this doesn’t work for everyone because there are many Internet Marketers, (IM) who see this as a way to enormous wealth; and the now well documented disease known as Googerosis Infinitum becomes chronic. 
These poor individuals suffer from a well-documented chronic condition called greed. It is at this stage of the disease, that the problem becomes contagious and has the tendency to become an epidemic affecting everyone who has contact with them. If you suspect someone you know has this disease, it is highly, highly recommended that you sever all contact with them immediately. 
The other physical symptoms of Googerosis Infinitum are poor posture, bad eyesight and overweight to the point of obesity. 
The poor posture is caused by the position they adopt for long periods of time in front of a computer. They are often hunched over looking at pixels, which are minute measurements used in today’s digital technology. These pixels have the ability to misalign a web page and so must be rectified before a webpage can go public. Failure to chase down a misplaced pixel can make an IM look amateurish and so must be tracked down and removed at all times. 
The bad eyesight is the pixels revenge. 
Now the more serious physical condition called overweight or worse, obesity, comes from eating too much junk food or comfort food.  The junk food is the fastest way to obtain a meal when hunger strikes and requires the least amount of time to prepare. The comfort food is eaten to compensate the IM when the traffic stats and income is low or non-existent.  
If you are thinking the writer of this article is suffering from a case of Googerosis Infinitum, you are correct. It is not yet developed into a chronic case so I’m looking towards leaving with a Bing and a Yahoo and hoping you can finally cure my traffic stats neurosis.    

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