Friday, March 4, 2011

The Game of “Google Says” V’s Article Directories

Most of us as kids played the game of “Simon Says” or a derivative of it.  Well, now ‘Google says’ and the article directories are being forced into the game whether they like it or not. And most of them don’t.
All blog owners like unique and original content but if the article directories are to only receive unique content, they may have to do more than lift their processes of doing so by  finding outdated links and sub-quality content.
Yes, these things do help with the housekeeping of their article directories but I believe they have more immediate needs if they are to stay on top of computer programmers in the Internet Marketing (IM) industry
Internet marketing programmers invent tools all the time, designed to make life easier for most writers’ .Writers write articles for publication in as many places as they can get a link, or traffic from. This is where article directories needs and writers needs collide. 

Article Directories:
Article directories want, nay demand, original content. To write a half decent article takes an average writer thirty to sixty minutes if the Muse is willing, the dog has been walked, the garbage has been put out, the kids are in bed or any number of other interruptions that affect a writer’s concentration.  So the article directories are demanding a lot from an average writer who doesn’t have a lot of time to produce many articles so whatever they produce, has to be maximized. 

Article Writers:
Article writers want all their articles published in an article directory that gets a lot of traffic so they can get increased click through’s (CTR) to their websites.  Then once the visitor is there, the blog owner or website owner has to convince that visitor all over again to take the appropriate action that will earn them some money so that they can keep on writing. 

Article directories need to make money to be able to keep publishing content and writers need to make money to be able to keep writing. Both their needs are the same so who wins? 

Dilemma Solved by a Trade Off:
If this dilemma is to be resolved, there is going to be need of compromise on the part of both the article directories and the writers who wish to submit their articles to them for publication. I prefer to call it a “trade-off”.

I believe that Article Directories who install a unique and human-only captcha question code /picture/equation/ or all of these varied types of captchas, running randomly, for writers submitting articles to their directories, will cut down on bulk article submission which I think has increased a lot of the spammy  articles that Google is cracking down on.  

Once the submitted article is in the article directory queue for review, there is a ‘tool’ in there that checks for 90+% uniqueness.  If less than this is found, the article gets returned to the submitting author and is rejected. Publication is refused.  

Article directories agree on a 24 – 36 hour turnaround.  Writers write articles for publication ASAP.
Article writers agree not to place their article on their website or blog or to any other article directory, until it has been accepted or rejected for publication by the article directory that it has been submitted to for publication. 

Once the article has been accepted then it can be published on the writer’s blog or wherever else the writer wants it published to. For those who want to spin their article for submission into lesser article directories are then free to do as they will. 

Writer’s will still have the opportunity to rank well for their articles because they can change it a bit for the search engines if they wish because there will only be one other place it has been published. The writer will just have to do this before someone else does. The Primo article directories will have smaller, but better quality, directories. 

‘Google says’ quality is better than quantity so perhaps all us writers, and article directory owners/publishers had best listen if we want to get on the first page of the Google search engine.

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