Monday, September 20, 2010

Blogging~Do follow or No Follow~ That is the question?

The debate of having a 'do-follow' V's a "no-follow" blog is still continuing with no clear winners. So, I'll offer my two cents findings.

There is information on many subjects that never gets added into an article. One good comment will lead to a reply and so the 'conversation' of information sharing takes off with many others joining in.

If your idea behind your plan for your blog is to start off these shared and social conversations is to create this type of blog then it is less likely to happen unless you have a 'do-follow' blog activated.  And to be fair, if you are wanting people to help you then you also need to give something back. And in this instance, it's simply a back link to their blog which doesn't cost you much.

Are you likely to lose a lot of 'link juice' by doing this? Yes, you will lose some BUT your blog is then connected so this adheres to one of Google's aims for blogs.  Blogging is designed as a social activity so I advise taking part in or starting social conversations related to a subject that most bloggers feel passionate about. Otherwise, why would anyone start a blog if they didn't want people to read and take an interest in it?

In the meantime, how about adding your comments to this blog? :-)  I would love to hear your opinion please?

1 comment:

  1. Both have benefits for your site. It really depends on your goal. Now, I'm targeting do follow blogs.


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