Thursday, December 17, 2009

Article Writing~ Do these problems affect you?

There are a myriad variety of article directories available for authors on the internet in which they can publish their articles. These article directories are crying out for new or existing authors to write and publish more articles in their article directories.

Some article directories are head and shoulders above the rest and growing stronger because of their vigilance while other article directories are languishing or going down hill at a great rate of knots due to lack of supervision. Some well-known article directories have more than died they have been murdered in every sense of the word due to ill-intentioned directory owners who set them up in order to abuse the search engines.

The article directories that seem to be doing well and stand above the existing competition in the market place, are those directories who have human readers monitoring what gets published and have strict guidelines for authors to follow. While many authors complain about these directories terms of service and consider them far too stringent in their article requirements, for those writers who take the time to research and proof read their work thoroughly prior to submission, seriously appreciate a respectable and well-trafficed article depository in which to deposit their articles for public viewing.

When an article directory gains a reputation for knowledgeable and well researched articles and is frequented for information or a "good read" on a wide variety of subjects, then that reputation is worth its weight in gold and will always attract those writers who are 'fussy' in their target audience.

This is both fair and reasonable to the article directory owner, the authors and the readers.

Any author who has had an article submission denied and is loath to improve submitted articles and prefers to complain about the article directories high standards, needs to consider that many of those who hear the author complaining know immediately that the person complaining is either (a) not a professional writer (b) too lazy to 'put in the hard yakka' to improve to an agreed standard or ( c )have outsourced the writing so they are not really the original owners of the spirit that all good articles draw from an author. So if you are an author who prefers to complain about high article directory standards just remember that others are hearing what you are really saying about yourself.

Personally, I'd prefer to improve any small ability I may have and keep writing new articles to hone skills in this area. The real thing that the internet produces is words. Without words, the internet is videos, both juvenile and informative and crazy graphics. Words are the glue, the spirit, the language of the internet so good writers will make a living from the internet if they work hard enough.

Now for Publishers. What is not fair and reasonable is for publishers to steal an authors work by not crediting the author. Personally, I'm not too unhappy if I don't get republished. So far, out of all the articles I've had republished, many have conveniently left out my resource box so I don't get any credit whatsoever from them.

Then these blogs, splogs, and some 'respectable' websites have no contact details available and have been privately registered, so it takes considerable time and effort to track them down. The sneakiest case I've come across is one 'respectable' and well-known business who publishes a couple of paragraphs of a stolen article, then puts in a 'read more here' link which goes back to their home page. Yet this is just enough content added for them to get a high ranking in the search engines. This type of behaviour I find disgusting so I'm not unhappy if they don't steal any more of my work.

On the other hand, to those wonderfully honest publishers who have done all the right things and republished some of my works with all details intact, I thank you from the bottom of my keyboard and you make my mouse light up. I'll write for you any day of the week.

One of the things that immediately comes to mind for all concerned in this symbiotic article writing business as being fair and reasonable to all, is called respect. Respect and consideration for each others needs will allow us all to get more of what we all want.

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