Monday, November 2, 2009

Track Your Website and Blog Actions

It can be very frustrating when working diligently as an affiliate marketer or Adsense publisher only to find that the results don't change and few visitors have found your Web site. This can lead one into some precipitous actions of making several changes all at the same time and in the space of a couple of days. Then you find that you've had an influx of visitors or your earnings have gone up dramatically but you are still none the wiser as to what worked and what didn't.

So by being impatient and not recording in a diary what changes you have made to which website you can still end up as baffled or even more frustrated because you still don't know for sure which precise change made such a radical difference so you can 'rinse and repeat' the exact action.
No doubt you have heard this said many, many times before and if you are like me, you sort of said "Yes, I'll do that one day when I start getting some traffic" and of course, you start getting traffic but have no idea of how, where, why, what or even when. By that time you could well have missed a great opportunity simply because you weren't monitoring the site as closely as you should have been. It doesn't need doing hourly but daily is best. Yes, it's time consuming but so is going broke slowly.

If you can't or don't want to pay for a paid tracker, then at least use a free one like Google Analytics and there are other free programmes that do an excellent job. Some of these programmes have a paid version that will do even better. At least make sure you monitor all your websites at least weekly.

I have finally learnt that one of the many steps when designing, making and launching a new website is to make sure I add the tracking code into the site at launch time. I have made myself up a check list because I've found that there are so many 'little' things that have to done simply because they make a "Big" difference.

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